Hunt Down The Value For Yourself With This Foolproof, Run Any Time Software Designed To Siphon Money From the Bookies Accounts Straight Into Your Own Pockets!!
Dear Betting Colleagues,
If you’re anything like me, you receive messages every day offering the latest shortcut to betting riches.
And the sad truth is
Almost none of them deliver on their wild promises
From dodgy tipsters to hopelessly flawed betting systems, we’ve all tried them. Most are, at best, inept and some are downright fraudulent. It sometimes feels like an endless merry go round of shysters and snake oil salesman and it makes me tired.
You’re pretty tired of it as well, am I right?
If that’s the case, I have something to share with you that will hopefully be a refreshing change.
My name is Kieran Ward and I’m a full time professional gambler and horse racing & betting blogger at Make Your Betting Pay.
I’ve been aroundweek in and week out for more than 6 years now and during that time, I believe I’ve built a reputation for honesty, fair play and integrity along with a loyal group of nearly 8,000 people who read my blog regulalrly. I’m not going to be here today and gone tomorrow and my reputation means much more to me than a quick buck.
With that said, today I’d like to introduce you to something just a little bit different.
But before we get to that…let’s take a look at the stark reality of making money betting on horse racing.
- Consistently making your betting pay takes experience and hard work.
- Most people cannot do it.
- That’s why some bookmaking firms have turned into massive multinational corporations.
However, even taking all that into account, with the right knowledge and expertise
You can make consistent, substantial profits
I personally make a very nice full time income from my betting – year in, year out.
I’m very proud of what I’ve achieved but none of it has happened overnight or without an awful lot of hard graft.
Seriously hard graft
It’s taken me a lifetime of study and many years of struggling to reach the position where I can support myself and my family comfortably with my betting alone.
But, as I said, things weren’t always this good…
If you’ve been following my story online over the last week, you’ll be aware that my betting education cost me 15 years and £50,000 in betting losses, terrible tipsters and hopelessly flawed betting systems.
I think that’s quite a common story judging by comments I’ve received.
And it’s such a common story because most of the tipsters out there are in the “find a winner at any price” camp. And sure, if you have a 100% win strike rate that’s a great camp to be in! Unfortunately, nobody does.
The truth is, that to make consistent, long term profits, you have to be consistently backing horses at a bigger price than their true chance of winning the race. That’s value betting.
For me, that was a life-changing realisation. Without value there were no long-term profits.
You won’t get the winner every time, or even most of the time, but as long as you’re getting your bets on at bigger prices than they truly should be – you’re guaranteed to make money in the long term.
These profitable ‘value betting opportunities’ occur when the bookmaker has plain “got it wrong” and is offering far too big a price. And the good news is these ‘value betting opportunities’ occur a lot more often than you might think – the odds compilers are not infallible and over the years…
I became absolutely expert at spotting when the bookies made a mistake.
I don’t say this to boast.
It’s a simple statement of fact.
It’s a fact that has allowed me to run one of the the most profitable tipping services in the country over the last 5 years.
In July of 2011 I launched The Morning Value Service, a simple, straightforward value tipping service focussing on grabbing value in mid-morning betting markets. Every bet since inception has been proofed to both Geegeez and Secret Betting Club. That service now stands at a profit of 3499.11 points or £174,955.50 to £50 stakes.
I don’t say this to brag. Merely to establish the fact that, when it comes to betting on horses, I know what I am doing.
Like all professional bettors I monitor my performance constantly, looking for ways in which it can be improved and and for ways in which the service I provide can be improved to provide greater value to an even greater number of people
I've received feedback over the years that the only realt rouble people had with the service was being available at fixed times during the day to place a reasonably large number of bets.
This meant being plotted up in front of the pc at 10.30am each morning and at varying times late afternoon to catch the update for evening racing. Thats all well and good if you are retired or work from home or even work in front of a pc all day. Unfortunately, that's not true for the majority of people.
I've mulled over this issue for several years and about 18 months ago, I had a eureka moment.
If I could distill my own selection process to a series of stages that could be carried out by a piece of software (or selection finding 'machine', then even people at work all day could run the software whenever it suited them - say during their lunch hour or even tea break - and come up with their own selections at any time of the day.
So that's what I did.
About 18 months ago, I approached the best software developer firm in the country, swore them to secrecy and started work on what has been the most time consuming - and expensive! - project of my betting life.
It's been tough going and there have been a number of setbacks but we finally made it.
We have now built race analysis software that faithfully replicates my value selection process.
The same selection process that made the Morning Value Service the most profitable service of all time monitored by Race Advisor.
The same selection process that catapulted the Morning Value Service on to Secret betting Clubs Hall of Fame and then from there into one of only a handful of services they have promoted as one of their very own Premium services.
The same selection process that has allowed my group of members to snaffle many, many millions of pounds from the bookies over the last 5 years.
Not only that, we have set the software up in such a way that it can be run from a pc, mac, tablet even your smart phone!
Please allow me to introduce
The Value Machine
What Do You Actually get When You Secure Access To The Value Machine?
- Easy Access Web Based Software (Nothing to Install!) That Identifies, Profitable Horse Racing Selections whenever you Run It
- Detailed Advice about What Price to Take and With Which Bookmaker
- Software that can customised to Suit Your Needs
- Choose which bookmakers The Value Machine Scans for Prices
- Choose what Price Ranges wou want to focus on
Even more importantly, with The Value Machine, here are the things you don't have to do:
Spend years learning the intricacies of form study
Spend half your life trawling through racing result stats
Devote hours each day to analysing betting market trends and patterns
All of that is being done for you!
All you have to do is log in and click a button!
You can piggy back my years of experience, hard work and betting know how - adding regular, substantial sums to your back pocket without getting involved in any of the drudgery necessary to consistently find “value”
Let me explain a little more about the “nuts and bolts” of The Value Machine.
The software analyse every horse running that day. It whittles the runners down to a shortlist of possibles before carrying out an up to the minute analysis of the betting markets in each and every race.
All of this is carried out in an instant at the click of a button and The Value Machine then produces a list of selections that are available right at that monent at a value price.
These selections will change at times throughout the day depending on the prices being offered by bookmakers. As a result different users will find different selections depending on what time of day they run the software.
The actual selections through are unimportant - in the long term as long as you are backing horses at at value prices, you CANNOT FAIL to make a profit.
Once the Value Machine has identified the selections, all you need to do is follow the link to the recommended bookmakers and place your bet!
To make it completely clear, here’s exactly what you will be getting if you secure access to the Value Machine:
Precision value selections at a time that suits you everyday - no hanging about by the pc waiting for an email to arrive and then scrambling to grab the prices at the same time as everybody else
Clear, concise instructions on exactly what you have to do – including the price to take and the exact bookmakers offering that price
A genuine opportunity to finally make a substantial profit from your betting
There are, of course, some important points to take into account when considering this opportunity, both for your protection and mine. This softwareis designed for users who can take a professional attitude to their betting and are able to devote a bit of time and care to getting their bets on. You will need:
- Access to a range of UK bookmaker accounts
- A starting bank of sufficent points to cover the likely drawdowns of your preferred strike rate - based upon the prices of selections you willb e concentrating on
- A professional attitude to your betting
If that is more than you can commit to then, sadly, this opportunity will not be for you. We must go our separate ways with no hard feelings. However, if that sounds like you and you can exercise some basic common sense, please read on.
The other thing I have to make very clear is the limited nature of this offer.
Numbers are Limited
The Value Machine uses complex and expensive date feeds. The company that provides the data has placed a limit on the number of times it can be accessed per minute. That means I have to strictly limit the number of users that gain access to the sioftware or I will trigger penalty clauses in my contract with the company that provides the data.
I CANNOT allow this to happen.
Therefore I feel it only right to warn everybody that I will be monitoring membership levels very carefully and reserve the right to close this offer, without prior warning, at any time.
I’m sorry to be so blunt about it but the data has to be protected.
Still with me? Good.
I like it, Kieran, How Much Is It Going To Cost me?
How much do you think it’s worth to have:
Access to Proven, profitable Value selections at a time ( or multiple times) that suits you each day?
No ifs, buts or maybes – the selection, the price to take and the bookmaker to take it with?
Bragging rights in the pub when you regularly bag big price longshot winners?
And most importantly of all the peace of mind that comes with my cast iron money back guarantee:

60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Something you don’t like? Tell me within the first 60 days and you’ll get your money back – with no questions asked!
That's right, I’m that confident that you’ll be blown away by The Value Machine, I’m prepared to take all the risk – if you don’t like it, you get your money back. No quibbles, no questions.
Now, I’ve thought long and hard about where to set the price for this – finding a price that makes it affordable for you but also reflects the sheer hard work and expense I've put in.
When you consider that the servie the software is based on has averaged nearly 700 points profit per year, every year since 2011, I think it would be more than fair to set the price at say £5 for each one of those points and charge £3500 per annum. There are lots of services out charging far more for every point of profit they provide. And you have to hang around waiting for there emails!
That being said, I do want to make this affordable to everybody with an interest in thetuening a handsome profit from their horse racing betting, With that in mind I’ve decided to make access to the software available at a level that will allow profits to be made even with tiny stakes.
There are two payment options available for The Value Machine - both of which include an incredible introductory offer for the first two weeks - like I said, I want everybody to be able to give this a try!
Monthly Option with Trial Period
14 days access to The Value Machine for £7 + VAT followed by recurring monthly payments of £57 + VAT each month
Quarterly Option with Trial Period
14 days access to The Value Machine for £7 + VAT followed by recurring quarterly payments of £147 + VAT each quarter
So there you have it, for the paltry sum of just £7 + Vat you can secure your access to The Value Machine software that uses exactly the methods I've used to produce £174,955.50 to £50 stakes with my NMorning Value Service over the last 5 years and gives you
The chance to consistently be on selections at a value price - the key top long term profitabiltiy
No room for error – the horse, the price, the bookmaker with no flannel
A no-quibble 60 day money back guarantee
All that remains is for me to thank you wholeheartedly for taking the time to read this letter and wish you the very best of luck with your future betting activities – whatever you decide.
All the very best,
Kieran Ward
The Value Machine
PS Don’t forget, I’m shouldering all the risk with this – my 60 day money back guarantee ensures that if you are not happy – this won’t cost you a penny! This allows you the freedom to paper trade the if you’re more comfortable with that.
PPS The last time I made a betting offer of this nature, it sold out completely in under a week – and has very rarely had any spaces available since. I urge you to act quickly to avoid disappointment!
PPPS More than 10,000 people have been following this process over the last week - I can only sell spaces to a tiny fraction of those people. I urge you to secure your space without delay.
PPPPS You can get involved for just £7 + VAT for the next two weeks as a trial offer!
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