MYBP Exclusive Offer
Thank you for taking the time to look at this exclusive offer for readers of the MYBP Weekly newsletter.
The page below was put together when I launched The Value Machine 2.0 in December last year.
During that launch all spaces for software access were sold out in three days and The Value Machine has been pretty muchclosed to the general public since that time.
Since July 2021 when we we developed The Value Machine 2.0, results have been quite outstanding. It has gone from strength to strength. Profits from backing every selection identified in that time to £10 stakes now stand at £43,596.00.
In honour of some upgrades we have made to the software in recent weeks, I'm opening just a handful of spaces on at the original launch prices listed below. Once those spaces are gone, the offer will be taken down and will not return.
Thereafter, within a couple of months, I will be reopening access at close to double the prices on this page.
This represents the final opportunity to give it a whirl and grab a subscription at the original launch price and, even better, never be charged the higher price for as long as you remain subscribed.
At just £8 for a 14 day trial, I think it's an absolute no brainer!
Thanks again for taking the time to read this and all the very best with your betting.
Dear Value Seeker,
What you are about to read will revolutionise your betting forever.
I believe it has the power to turn you into a profitable punter at the click of a button.
Bold claims, for sure.
But first let me check you’re in the right place. Your time is precious and I don’t want to waste it if what I’m about to share isn’t for you.
With that in mind, please feel free to click away now if you’ve already found a way to side-step the mountain of B***S*** on the betting market.
- Dodgy Tipsters
- Hopelessly flawed systems
- Out of date trading methods
It can be quite a maze out there and congratulations if you have managed to find your way past all that rubbish.
However, if you haven't yet managed to navigate your way through that maze and still harbour a dream to make your betting pay, then stick with me.
My name is Kieran Ward and I'm a professional punter, blogger and tipster. I’ve been toiling at the coalface of professional betting for close to 20 years now and for the last 12 I’ve been online writing about what I do alongside running one of the most profitable tipping services in the country (quite possibly the MOST profitable!).
And you know what?
I absolutely love what I do.
I’m in a very privileged position.
I make a great living.
I don’t answer to an idiot boss.
I have no endless commute
I get the true joy that comes from generating my own income and living by my wits.
Best of all, I get to help other people make money from their betting every single day.
That gives me a lot of pleasure!
However, I mustn’t kid myself. Or you.
Things weren’t always as good as they are now.
I spent the first 15 to 20 years of my gambling odyssey as a clueless gambler.
If you know anything about my story, you’ll know that in my 'wilderness years’, I lost more than £50,000 betting on horses and buying the garbage that’s peddled as tips and systems by the many unscrupulous types out there.
As I said at the start of this letter, There is a ton of B***S*** being sold out there and I've bought more than my fair share of it!
I guess I’m not the only one who’s been suckered by these shysters. You’ve probably done something similar yourself.
I spent years chasing the dream of making my living from betting – and not even coming close!
There were many occasions where I nearly gave up.
In fact, I was forced to give up a few times while I replenished my coffers doing whatever mind numbing, tedious job I was suffering through at the time.
What kept me going was the knowledge that THERE WERE PEOPLE OUT THERE LIVING MY DREAM – earning their living solely from betting and not having to put up with a job in the workaday world.
And I realised something else early in my search.
My losses were the price of my education.
Every loss and wrong turn I took, moved me one step closer to the things that do work and one step closer to achieving my dream.
That realisation made me persevere, made me plough on when all logic told me to quit.
And eventually, my efforts began to pay off.
I learnt the key aspects of making my betting pay – discipline, a plan, record keeping, a betting bank. Betting like it’s a business not a hobby.
It’s not the glamorous stuff but it's more than half the battle.
As the lessons began to sink in, things slowly improved - I was no longer losing money hand over fist – in fact, I wasn’t losing money at all after a while.
However, my real eureka moment came when I finally grasped the importance of VALUE.
Most of the tipsters out there are in the “find a winner at any price” camp. And sure, if you have a 100% win strike rate that’s a great camp to be in!
Unfortunately, nobody does.
The truth is, that to make consistent long term profits, you have to be consistently backing horses at a bigger price than their true chance of winning the race.
That’s value betting.
For me, it was a life-changing realisation, without value there were no long-term profits.
You won’t get the winner every time, or even most of the time, but as long as you’re getting your bets on at bigger prices than they truly should be – you’re guaranteed to make money in the long term.
These profitable ‘value betting opportunities’ occur when the bookmaker has plain “got it wrong” and is offering far too big a price.
And the good news is, that occurs a lot more often than you might think – the odds compilers are not infallible. How can they be? They have to price up every single runner in every single race.
Over the years...
I’ve become expert at spotting when the bookies have made a mistake.
It’s that expertise which finally enabled me to realise my dream and make my living from betting.
Furthermore, it’s that expertise that has enabled me to run The Morning Value Service for more than 10 years now and ensure that it is among the most profitable (if not the most profitable!) tipping service in the country.
But, let's face it, this is not about me, it's about you.
You want to make your betting pay.
You want to get the upper hand on the bookies.
And that brings me to the point of this letter.
The Value Machine
The upgraded version of my ‘selections on demand’ value-finding software, built with an unwavering commitment to you getting the upper-hand on the bookies.
- New and improved
- Push-button simple
- Even more profitable
I've got so much to tell you about The Value Machine but first the backstory...
Back in 2016, after 5 years running The Morning Value Service, I developed The Value Machine software as a ‘push button solution’ to horse racing value finding.
I based it on the selection process I had perfected in my Morning Value Service (still going strong after more than 10 years and 5,000 points profit!)
It was designed to allow ordinary punters to be able to find value horse racing selections at the click of a button and in a very customisable way.
I launched the software in September 2016 and all available memberships sold out in 4 days.
Since that time, I have only made spaces publicly available on just one occasion.
The reason for that? Once people have used The Value Machine, they tend to stick around.
Lots of original members are still with me and here’s what just a handful of them have said about the software over the years (including some that have come in since testing of the upgrades and improvements began in July 2021)
Member Testimonials
"A quick update on my results using the Value Machine since 4th October (spreadsheet attached): Bets 1469, Wins 341 - £20 stakes resulted in £4334.80 clear profit and an ROI of just under 15%. Well done to all concerned!"
AW, Northern Ireland
"I think the selections hit the mark, 49.5 points up in two days !!"
Anon, London
"As it's been 3 months since I've been using the Value Machine I thought
David G, England
I'd drop a line to say how it's gone for me. Bloody fantastic !! Up to
yesterday I have 255 points of profit. I've settled on settings of 3 to
11 and aim to get 25-30 bets on per day. My plan at the start was to try
to get 1000 points profit in a year (have to say I thought it cloud
cuckoo land at first but I'm on target). It was an odd feeling at first
betting on a concept rather than some bloke sending me a list of
selections but this Machine just works. Having said that I had a rare
losing week just gone dropping 30 points, but that's the only one I've
had. Had to write as I'm absolutely delighted with this service. SBC state
that 'you run the machine, put your bets and collect your money' which
pretty much sums it up."
"6 winners from 16 selections including a 16/1 and a 10/1 for about 36 points profit"
Anon, England
"Just finished my 2 week trial. 17pts profit to level stakes plus doubled a 5% bank. Looks the real deal! Many thanks."
GC, England
"...over 100 points up this week, needless to say very happy!"
KC, Scotland
"I set the machine from 2/1 to 4/1 and it has provided 589 bets since late October at 105 points profit - phenomenal mate."
Bob B, England
"First of all just to say that I love this software. Last count I was
DW, England
212 points up after starting on 30th September. It's really done the
business so far."
"Quick update - I'm still paper-trading but am now 35 points up, and that's after a minus 16 point start."
SF, England
"First I would like to say how impressed I am with this program.
SS, Scotland
It found me lots of winners yesterday, and I am well ahead so far."
"My first outing with The Value Machine was yesterday. With the settings I put into the program it offered 9 runners in 8 races, with a further offering during the evening. Two I discounted because I couldn't get the price - one of them won. Of the other 8 there were 4 winners, a profit on the day of 11.5 points. That's brilliant."
IW, England
"I tried the software today and managed to place a few bets just after 11am. 6 winners from 16 selections including a 16/1 and a 10/1 for about 36 points profit"
MA, Wales
"The Value Machine has given me over 6000 euros in one year! Thanks a lot Kieran!"
V-M H, Finland
"The Value Machine is a simple and easy to use tool which, even as a relative newbie, almost instantly helped me turn a profit from horse racing. I started with a £500 bank, cautiously staking £2 per point and within 4 months more than trebled my bank by increasing stakes each time the bank increased by 100 points. It took me only 15 minutes to place my bets each day. The easy interface alongside the integrated results has helped to track my progress throughout. Sticking with The Value Machine through both good and bad runs has allowed me to make an excellent profit in a relatively short time. I highly recommend The Value Machine to all levels of bettors from beginners to experts looking for a new source of value bets."
Daniel T, England
"I have been using the value machine for the best part of a year, and with excellent results. I find that unlike similar software I've used, the odds displayed are available. There is no going to the bookie and expecting a 6/1 horse only to find it hasn't been this price for hours. With the features version 2 has included I wouldn't hesitate to recommend The Value Machine to anyone."
Chris P, England
"I've been using the value machine for four months now and I'm over £800 in profit to just £5 stakes. It really is a great tool for finding value bets. I also like that I can generate and place my bets at a time convenient for me, it only takes me about 10 minutes per day. Perfect for anyone that wants to make a few quid but doesn't have time to study the form all day!"
Mike A, England
What the experts think about it:
When it comes to an honest, really comprehensive review of a tipping product, one site is head and shoulders above the rest.
That site is Smart Betting Club.
After they carried out their usual, thorough due diligence on The Value Machine, they asked if they could promote it as one of their own premium products - one of only a handful ever to receive that honour.
Peter Ling, the head honcho over at Smart Betting Club, had this to say about The Value Machine:
“Kieran is that rarest of tipsters – a long-term proven winner as he has been making a profit on horse racing for well over a decade now and shows no signs of stopping. The Value Machine compiles all the best elements of his value strategy and the recent upgrades have made it easier to follow and use than ever. SBC highly recommends The Value Machine and many members of our team use it personally day-in, day-out.”
Peter Ling Smart Betting Club
The customers love it.
The experts love it.
I think we’ve established that The Value Machine is a very good piece of software indeed!
But, let's get down to the nitty gritty - how much money is it possible to make using The Value Machine?
Hopefully this will give you some idea!
We have been live testing the profitability of The Value Machine since the start of July (when the upgrades and improvements came online) and the results have been little short of astounding.
Here are those results in detail:
Since the start of July The Value Machine identified 14,387 bets (a lot of bets I know but we were using the widest settings we could to capture all possible selections!)
The graph of performance can be seen below:

Let me just clarify what that graph shows.
In under 5 months The Value Machine identified 14,387 value priced selections and betting all those selections to just £10 stakes produced a profit of:
Let me say that again.
In under 5 months, betting just £10 level stakes per selection, The Value Machine produced a profit of close to £15k with a return on investment exceeding 10%
And, that's not a fluke - nobody gets flukey over 14,387 bets!
Now, of course, I understand that not everybody is in a position to place that many bets - and that's where The Value Machine's ultra-customisability comes into its own.
For example, a more cautious bettor might decide to set up The Value Machine so it only advises bets priced in a lower price range - say 7/4 to 5/1 which produces a decent number of bets per day at an excellent win strike rate.
The graph below shows how that strategy has performed in the same period:

That reduced strategy has produced £3,540 to £10 level stakes at an ROI of 8.67%.
And remember, the win strike rate is considerably higher in that price range allowing you to bet larger stakes with the same size betting bank - had you bet £30 per selection your profits would have been £10,620!
Furthermore, you might decide to be really selective and further reduce the number of bets you are having by setting up The Value Machine to only send alerts, for example, between 9am and 10am with that same price range.
Let's see how that's performed in the graph below:

Quite astonishingly well!
Again, let me clarify what you are seeing in that graph.
If you had set up The Value Machine to only identify value selections priced between 7/4 and 5/1 between 9am and 10am each day and backed them to £10 level stakes:
Bets: 1,761 (an average of 12 bets a day)
Win Strike Rate: 26.41%
Profit: + £3,190
Return on Investment: +18.12%
Of course, with the smaller bank requirement and betting at the shorter priced end of the market, you could have increased stakes quite considerably to increase those overall profits.
£30 level stakes would have produced £9,570
£50 level stakes would have produced £15,950!.
I think it's fair to say that The Value Machine is very powerful, very profitable software
So, How Exactly Does The Value Machine Work?
Let me tell you a little bit more about how it works:
Every time you click the run button on The Value Machine, it applies a set of complex selection criteria to every runner of the day before carrying out a detailed analysis of the live betting market to identify any runners at value prices.
The Machine then fires out the value selections with the price to take and the bookmaker/bookmakers offering that price. All you have to do is put the bets on with the bookies at the advised prices.
You don’t have to download or install anything – The Machine has been designed as a web application. All you have to do is login to a membership site, run the machine and pick up your selections!
You don’t even have to be on your PC – you can login to the site and run the machine from your tablet or even your phone.
Let me repeat just how simple it is to use ‘The Value Machine’
- Log in to the members site
- Click the run button
- Place your bets where advised
- Count your money at the end of the month!
There are also a number of ways you might choose to customise The Value Machine to make it suit your own betting preferences.
Run The Value Machine at your convenience!
Stop being tied to the timing ‘whims’ of a tipster.
You’re only available from 7am-8am?
Your choice – the machine’s available when you are.
Run The Value Machine on any device!
Stop being tied to your PC.
You’re out of the house during the day & only get to grab a few minutes at odd times?
Your choice – the machine’s always available in your pocket.
Run The Value Machine at the risk level you’re comfortable with!
Stop being forced to back longshots that hardly ever win.
You prefer backing at short prices?
Your choice - exclude any selections above (name your price)
Run The Value Machine with the bookmakers you actually have accounts with!
Stop being quoted prices you can’t get access to.
You’re restricted at William Hill, for example?
Your choice - exclude William Hill from the value scans.
Run The Value Machine day in and day out!
Stop being tied to the stamina & time-constraints of a tipster.
You want to bet every day?
Your choice – The Value Machine doesn’t get tired and doesn’t need a day off.
PLUS: Game-changing improvements, NEW in version 2.0
- TELEGRAM ALERTS - Get your customised selections instantly and automatically delivered to the Telegram app on your phone/pc/mobile device without having to run The Value Machine. A massive upgrade for users who are not in front of their PC all day!
- LIGHTNING FAST 'REAL TIME' ODDS FEED - The odds feed has been rebuilt from the ground up by our in-house software genius. Ensuring that all advised prices are genuinely available.
- IMPROVED AUTOMATED RESULTS RECORDING - At a click of a button, add all your bets to the results area where ongoing performance will be calculated for you. Results and Profit are calculated to your exact stakes for win or each way bets. This nifty feature means you can stop spending hours every month typing results into a spreadsheet.
- UPDATED SELECTION ALGORITHM - Our software genius has been busy again, improving the selection algorithm. Producing even higher profitability!
The Value Machine really is 'push button simple', available when you want, where you want in the way that you want.
All you have to do is log in and click a button!
You get to piggy back my years of experience, hard work and betting know how - adding regular substantial sums to your back pocket without getting involved in any of the drudgery necessary to consistently find value.
You get to piggy back on the months of hard work and thousands and thousands of pounds spent developing The Value Machine.
All of which means you DON'T have to:
- Spend years learning the intricacies of form study
- Spend half your life trawling through racing result stats
- Devote hours each day to analysing betting market trends and patterns
In short, The Value Machine is a piece of precision software that has been developed with great care and at great expense.
It enables anybody, even somebody with zero experience and little time, to find guaranteed value selections at the click of a button.
It’s been a game changer and has made a lot of money for a lot of people.
There are, of course, some important points to take into account when considering this opportunity, both for your protection and mine. This software is designed for users who can take a professional attitude to their betting and are able to devote a bit of time and care to getting their bets on. You will need:
- Access to a range of UK bookmaker accounts
- A starting bank of sufficient points to cover the likely drawdowns of your preferred strike rate - based upon the prices of selections you will be concentrating on. This could be anything up to 250 points if you wish to bet in all price ranges
- A professional attitude to your betting – you will be betting value selections and you need to get away from the mindset of ‘a winner at any price’
If that is more than you can commit to then, sadly, this opportunity will not be for you. We must go our separate ways with no hard feelings. However, if that sounds like you and you can exercise some basic common sense, please read on.
The other thing I have to make very clear is the limited nature of this offer.
I have to limit member numbers
Fair warning, because I like to be on hand to give a ‘personal touch’ to help customers get the most out of The Value Machine, there aren’t a huge number of spaces available. And I don’t think it’ll take long to fill those spaces.
Therefore I feel it only right to let you know that I will be monitoring membership levels very carefully and reserve the right to close this offer, without prior warning, at any time.
I’m sorry to be so blunt about it but making sure that members get the best out of it is crucial.
Still with me? Good.
I Like It Kieran, How Much Is It Going To Cost Me?
How much do you think it’s worth to have:
Access to proven, profitable value selections at a time (or multiple times) that suits you each day?
No ifs, buts or maybes – the selection, the price to take and the bookmaker to take it with?
Certainty that every bet you place is at a value price
And most importantly of all the peace of mind that comes with my cast iron money back guarantee:

Zero Risk 30 day Money Back Guarantee
If you are unhappy, for ANY reason, contact me within your first 30 days as a member and I will refund your money in full. No ifs, buts or maybes.

That's right, I’m that confident that you’ll be blown away by The Value Machine, I’m prepared to take all the risk – if you don’t like it, you get your money back. No quibbles, no questions. I don’t believe I can say fairer than that!
Now, I’ve thought long and hard about where to set the price for this – finding a price that makes it affordable for you but also reflects the sheer hard work and expense I've put in.
The Value Machine has overall identified selections that have averaged profits of more than 300 points per month since the upgrades, so an annual membership fee of £3,000 would be cheap in my book, That would still not reflect the true value of the software.
However, I do want to make this affordable to everybody with an interest in making a serious income from their horse racing betting. With that in mind I’ve decided to make access to the software available at a level that will allow profits to be made even with tiny stakes.
There are four payment options available for The Value Machine – 3 of which include an incredible introductory offer for the first two weeks - like I said, I want everybody to be able to give this a try!
I’m so confident that you will love The Value Machine that I am prepared to let you try it out, completely risk free, for 2 weeks at the incredible price of:
For a tiny £8, you get to poke and prod around, try multiple settings to see what suits you and generally put The Value Machine through its paces for a whole 14 days.
Only then, if you are completely happy, will you be charged the full price of £67 per month, £177 per quarter or £497 per year.
If not, simply let me know and I will cancel your payment.
Finally, but most importantly, I would like to reward customers who are able to take the long term view and sign up for a year immediately.
That being the case, the final (and best value) payment option is this:
Sign up for a year today at the incredible discounted price of just £397
That represents a massive discount and is by far and away the best price The Value Machine is ever going to be offered at.
AND - you still get the 30 day no quibble money back guarantee!
Trial Options
Discounted Annual Option
So there you have it, for the paltry sum of just £8 you can secure your access to The Value Machine software that has:
Produced consistent, substantial profits for users over the last 5 years
and gives:
The chance to consistently be on selections at a value price - the key to long term profitability
No room for error – the horse, the price, the bookmaker with no flannel.
A no-quibble 30 day money back guarantee
All that remains is for me to thank you wholeheartedly for taking the time to read this letter and wish you the very best of luck with your future betting activities – whatever you decide.
All the very best,
Kieran Ward
The Value Machine
PS Don’t forget, I’m shouldering all the risk with this – my 30 day money back guarantee ensures that if you are not happy – this won’t cost you a penny! This allows you the freedom to paper trade the selections if you’re more comfortable with that.
PPS The last time I made a betting offer of this nature, it sold out completely in under a week – and has very rarely had any spaces available since. I urge you to act quickly to avoid disappointment!
PPPS You can get involved for just £8 for the next two weeks!